To all the girls i love and admire,
We can sing the famous rock song with pride because we lived it. Queen couldn't have said it any better."We are the Champions my friends, and we'll keep on fighting till the end."This has been Yeeleen's and my theme song (other than Country Road) since we were 17 years old, and for good reason, we have believed in this song till today.The one thing Sneakers can always depend on, in the face of perceived superiority, in the face of a 7 goal deficit, in the face of everything they could throw at us, in the face of all other non-player factors, we kept focused, we kept playing, we kept wanting it more, we kept on fighting. This is the Sneakers i have always known.Young ones, learn from this, and learn to bring it into your game. It's not just about one person's fighting spirit, or stamina or guts or physical strength or even belief in yourself, all teams can have that, but what's different for Sneakers is its about bringing all that in individuals and culminating it into teamwork, like-minded thinking, being able to read one another, about collective mental strength and desire, about good leadership. It doesn't matter who takes the court, we think as one, we work as one. You've seen us play, you've seen us train, the understanding we have was not built up in a day. It was a commitment we made to one another, to ourselves, to the club. To train to become the best in Singapore and we've kept that going 5 years in a row. Force, although made up of players who have not played together before, took on Nike Air and Blaze with flair. They played beyond expectation and emerged fourth in Div 1. Speed made it to the final. It was hard fought and you did the best you could. Do not forget the journey you took, and learn from it. However, despite the result that we got, I now want all of you to think very carefully. We had a good result but players from all 3 teams had to be pushed to the limit to get this result. Even the best performing cars need tuning to keep performing. Could we have prepared ourselves better? I think we have to admit, the answer is yes. So what do we do from here. Let our tired bodies rest and call it a day? Or learn from this and become even better? If you want to achieve the understanding between players, the accuracy of passes, the variety of play....give yourself a chance. Who says only Ace can beat the top teams, any of you can too. But you must believe you can, and make the commitment to work toward it.Your bodies are tired, and need a rest. But i hope that the new friends you've made and the desire to become even better, will spur you to continue to train. When we're prepared, we play good netball, when we play good netball we have fun. See you at training. Let's have fun from now on.
Is Yee Leen holding Susan's leg or the trophy? haha...
i'm so HAPPYY. everyone was jumping for joy at the spectators' stand (while i was unable to) man, SNEAKERS, you rock!
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