I think I am still suffering from blog fatigue. Not sure what to write. Ran out of funny things to write. But there are many funny pictures for this game... hee hee hee... Before I go... managers of Ace, thank you for the fruits! I was just kidding about having fruits! But I am sure you beat the managers of Force that night, because you brought fruits and Red Bull! See how competitive we are... Oh wait maybe not, Force's manager ran after the ball in her heels while Lijuan and I sat there watching ... such self-sacrificing spirits and so "Carrie" in Sex and the City! Hahaha... sorry for just sitting there watching...
Traffic controller of the night 1
Traffic controller of the night 2
Weightlifter of the night
but seriously what were you actually doing? So very curious....
Volleyball spiker of the night
Basketball player of the night

Body snatcher of the night... who grabbed Val? Pleaase own up...

Party girls of the night. It was Mambo night at Zouk on Wednesday. And Shanny, party again ;)